Pediatric Dentistry

5 Tips for Teaching Kids to Brush

Jun 26 • 4 minute read

5 Tips for Teaching Kids to Brush

In a child’s eyes, brushing teeth is something that can be quite scary, as it's a new experience. The best approach to teaching your child to enjoy brushing their teeth is to remove the negative stigma associated with it.  Rather than making it a chore, the idea is to make cleaning their teeth a fun and enjoyable experience. 

When children brush their teeth, there are a few tips and tricks you can use to teach them how to brush in an enjoyable manner!

1. Start Brushing at an Early Age

If you want your children to learn how to properly brush their teeth, then it's important that you begin teaching them at a young age. By starting early, your children will become comfortable with the concept of brushing on a regular basis.  The idea is to work together with your children to develop a convenient routine. 

Once you have a good routine established, you should thoroughly explain the importance of brushing. It’s important to teach kids about cavities, bad breath, and tooth decay.  Children don't want harmful germs in their mouths! 

Throughout the entire process, you should remind your child that brushing will lead to a beautiful smile. If you start at an early age, then they'll know no different and be more willing to brush. 

2. Brush Along With Them and Make It Fun

Although it may be easier said than done, try to make brushing a fun experience. As we know, our children love to copy everything that we say and do.  So, brush along with them!

You should grab your toothbrush and enjoy the brushing routine together. This is also a great approach to ensure that everyone is brushing their teeth for the correct amount of time. You might even consider making a game out of it.

It is a good idea to grab a timer and set it for 2 minutes.  During those two minutes, as you brush along with them, compete to see who can make the most toothpaste bubbles. You might also consider having a smiling contest in the mirror after rinsing or enjoying other entertaining “brushing” games. 

3. Let Them Pick Out Their Toothpaste and Toothbrush

Luckily, many brands of toothbrushes and toothpaste have products geared toward children. Regardless which brand is your favorite, there are sure to be pediatric products made by that same brand. It is a good idea to take your little ones to the store with you and allow them to choose their own toothbrush and toothpaste. 

With so many fun color patterns, flavors, and favorite characters on the labeling, it is often difficult to select just one.  In fact, it can be helpful to have them pick out a couple of different toothbrushes or types of toothpaste, so they have the option of switching it up here and there.

You may also find that some flavors of toothpaste aren’t as enjoyable as many children anticipate when making decisions. This is another reason why it might be a good idea to have them select several different flavors.  If the bubblegum flavor isn't a hit, then pull out the berry-flavored one!

Spinning toothbrushes can be especially fun for children and they are effective at scrubbing those little teeth. There are even some brushes that play music or silly tunes before turning off at the 2 minute mark, signaling to your children that they've completed their brushing time. 

4. Compliment Their Brushing Skills

Perhaps nothing motivates children more than having a cheerleader by their side, especially when that cheerleader is their parent. This is why it's so important to compliment your children's brushing skills and encourage them to brush twice a day on a routine basis.

Don't worry about the mess they might make getting toothpaste on the counter or in the sink.  The idea is to focus on allowing kids to do everything themselves and cheering them on as they do so. Positive reinforcement is a great way to ensure that children carry this good dental hygiene routine with them for the rest of their lives. You might want to consider placing a chart on the wall and placing stickers next to their names after they brush twice a day and when they floss.

5. Choose the Right Dentist

Selecting the right dental provider is another crucial step in teaching your children about good dental hygiene. Asking your children's dentist to give them a thumbs up for brushing by themselves is an awesome way to encourage them. It's one thing to get the thumbs up of approval from your parent, but it's a whole other ball game when you receive encouragement from an authority figure dressed in a white jacket.

The right dental provider will also provide you with feedback on other tips and tricks during your visits. He/she should find ways to make your children's visits to the dentist fun and stress-free. 

Enhance Your Kids Brushing Experience

Brushing your teeth doesn't have to be a dreadful experience in your household anymore! Keep these pediatric brushing tips and tricks in mind to teach your little ones how to brush their teeth on their own and actually have fun! Even if your children haven't grown their own teeth yet, you can still get them comfortable with the idea by allowing them to watch you brush your teeth.

When your children's teeth do begin to develop, it's important to schedule visits to a dentist regularly. For an experienced dentist dedicated to giving you and your children the smile you all deserve, contact Dentistry at Kanata, and schedule your appointment today!

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